Activate our Alleys

Did you know that we have almost 5 miles of public alleys within Liberty Wells? Our goal is to turn these ignored, neglected public spaces into safe and inviting spaces for walking, biking, gathering, and safe access to garages.


Do you live near an alley and want to share your feedback on how we can reimagine the alleys? Please fill out the form below:

Timeline (Updated October 2021)

March 2021: We knocked on doors near alleys, identified alley issues, and brainstormed with neighbors about how we could transform our alleys into safe, inviting spaces. We also identified 1-2 alleys as pilot projects for alley improvements.

April 2021: Alley Way A-13 was identified for the Activate Our Alleys pilot project. This alley, running east to west between Roberta Street and 300 East and north to south between Browning Ave and Kensington Ave, has long been cared for by nearby residents. Shelley and Shana regularly clean up trash and cut back vegetation.

June 2021: Received $1,500 grant from the Mayor’s Office to be used for lighting, landscaping, murals, art, and other placemaking initiatives.

September 2021: Alley Way A-13 was repaved. Residents and community members joined Mayor Mendenhall for a press conference celebrating the Alley Pilot Project.

In the coming months, we’ll be working with neighbors to install lighting, clear debris, trim vegetation, and install landscaping, garden boxes, murals, and other neighbor-led elements to make this alley come alive.